Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ain't it good to be alive?

Here's a up-to-date oh meh life,

-Like everything should go as its supposed to be. Oh yes,everything was going smooth, but no, theres a bump on the road. Fret not, I'm facing all the obstacles, and i'm pretty sure I'm not making a step back. Stand by me, and I'll find the answer sooner or later.We live and we learn. Everybodyyy does mistakes,its what makes us a human;] We cant be all over the top all the time, we cant balance everything. At the end, we're gonna face the same consequences. I hope we'll be all in this together till the end.

- Im not in class, its been awhile. I feel like a dumb person being kick out from the big place for dummies, geez get a grip. I shall hold these books within the school walls and grab my brain power till ill blast my power on those death killing papers,you shall see me at war.

- Coming soon, School Concert the first of August two thousand and nine. Imma do it with pride and dignity.

- Waiting and waiting for something. Something worth less than a penny. A full waster. A greater satisfaction on the something worth waiting

- Stereotyping, happens to every high school like moi's. Everyone will get through it. Judging people based on their cliques and social life. More like judging, that's what I do. I usually (automatically) judge people. Oh god please erase this horrible behaviour from me

I've a lot of catching up to do here in the World Wide Web. Give me time.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Okay, so those of you paying attention,Birthday strikes again at 5th July,which was 9 days ago HEHEHEE. There are so many things I could say like "man I am getting old" or "geez, thats a quarter century".i had 365 days of happiness, creativity, love, and joy.
So yeah. Im happy pleased with ma life ; someone once said to me that his best age was in teenage life, but myself I feel I've had lots of "best years" over the years though in different ways, and I'm now facing my 14th birthday with yet another "best year" behind me. So, keep living your life as you wish to live it and every year will be the best! Fuck this,it makes me sound old y'know but who damn cares homie. Well my day didn't end up like i thought it would,but it did afterrrrr,so loike i celebrated my birthday after everything haha Ciau Mamasitas xx

What have i become?
hahhaa made that up

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bloco Gigantes da Lira

Okay this is gonna be quikie.Hi "masyarakat" of i dont know form where nor do i care.Oh well,i just do not have time for blogging these days *that was a 100 and 1 percent lie. I just aint havin the urge to write because my mind is blank and im just not up to blogging these days and duhh no one reads my blog,right on sister:D yeah i woke up and i was like in the town oh rubbish tinselwit,IM SO INHUMAN. My room is a slabbbeering thick pile of jUnk, i should put a sign warning DANGER AHEAD! i just hadd to go to school at 9,when im suppose to be at school by 10.30. im just oh so good HEHEE my dad drove me up,went down and straight headed to the canteen,Drama comp was going on,i didnt really pay a damn because there was NO WAY of getting me into the hall,so gave up lah. I was wish Salina,talking along then Zariq came and she was like Eh rambuat u buat macam tu lawa la,comel,oMG ZARIQ'S FACE WAS LIKE YEAHHHH ADE ORG PUJIII HAHHAA,right the best part

Me : Salina,do you have a boyfriend?
Salina : No,but i have ex's,you?
Me : oh mestilah im single duhh
Salina : Why dont you couple with zariq? he's cute what,you guys make a cute couple,sweet couple!
-Zariq datang,he went to buy foood-
Salina : stop laughing,kehsian lah dia,tgk die comel je
Zariq : salina betul tu! weh dah lah tu anisah
Me : AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH kau cuba bayangkan kita gerak pav,pakai baju sweet couple,yang hati pisah dua HAAHHAHAAHAHHAAHHAAHAHAH pastu guna titwzz$~ CayuNks awaKsXx ahaks HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHAH

And soo may day goes on,we had this science carnival goin onn.Hariz came up with this straw thingy that huda was pretending,and stole a lot of straw from here,turning it into an anoyying sound of a bitch ROFL.then like the whole gang was doing it,even i ^_^ i was laughing 9hours of my daytime at school.Then i was sooo sleepy and tired,me and aleena was sitting on this table,and like no static movement,both of us doze up ourselves haha Chyeah we were drama providers once again,Im sleeepy now.Nights people of earth